Very good episode. Very intense action and quick plot advancement (as opposed to a few episodes ago at McGlenn and Forrester). A great followup to last week’s awesome episode.
Rating: 5/5
Very good episode. Very intense action and quick plot advancement (as opposed to a few episodes ago at McGlenn and Forrester). A great followup to last week’s awesome episode.
Rating: 5/5
This sucks. I’m in 9th period. I want to go home. I have to send off SycoPod VI. I’m gonna try and go to the bank. I also want to start working on a partial theme that’ll skin some of the GUI blue and green, to match my wallpaper. Should be fun.
BUT FIRST I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE. And I still have to go to f$@*ing Spanish. That reminds me, I gotta go do my Spanish homework…
The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray, but not this one. I went out and bought SycoPod VII, an iPod photo, today, after I sold my other iPod on eBay for $300 (the iPod photo was $320 after a student discount). It’s definitely worth buying. I love color solitaire and album art. Photos are pretty cool, too, but there is a lag sometimes.
SnapShooter 1.1 is out. It’s pretty awesome.
And more! Check it out!
HOLY CRAP. Did they really…is he…how did they manage to…WOW.
Rating: 5/5
**Note: If you missed it, check the 24 Website, because they are doing encore shows. I ain’t gonna spoil nothin.
So I tried one of Subway’s ALL NEW INNOVATIVE OVEN TOASTED Subs today. Specifically, the Chicken Bacon Ranch on Monterey Cheddar bread, with Swiss cheese, extra ranch, black olives, lettuce, and salt and pepper. As much as I like Quizno’s, sometimes I just get a yearning for a cold sub. SPOILER LADEN REVIEW IN THE EXTENDED ENTRY!
Well, things are pretty crazy right now. I’ve got quite a bit going on right now.
Tomorrow, I’ve got an eight hour workday. Following that is an excursion out to my college. They’ve got an open house on Friday for accepted students that I’m going to. After that, the movie I’ve been waiting for ever since I saw the trailer for it comes out. Sin City, baby.
So, my iPod broke yesterday. Again. Dead hard drive. One trip up to the Apple Store later and I’ve got SycoPod VI (which is getting sold on eBay, per my previous plans).
But, here’s some really CRAZY shit. I got about 110 days of use out of my iPod before it died the first time. How much time did I spend with the SycoPod V? About 110 days.. I can now accurately pin down that SycoPod VI will fail around July 13 (which conveniently is about a month before the warranty expires). Unless, of course, I get my iPod photo.
My car’s odometer is so close to ticking over I can practically taste it. It’s at 999994. It should be ticking over in the next day or so. I’ve been watching it like a hawk. I can’t wait.
A much, much better episode this week. Some bad timing issues aside, this turned out to be a much more exciting episode than recently, even with last week’s firefight.
Rating: 4/5