TIME has an interview with Samuel L. Jackson about how fans on the Internet saved Snakes on a Plane.


My friend at RIT, Nick Quaranto, has a Windows customization podcast. As a sort-of-not-really expert/authority/I-know-stuff on Mac customization, he asked me to give a perspective on Mac themeing and such on Under The Skin. We talked about all kinds of fun stuff like Boot Camp, Windows Vista, Unsanity’s ShapeShifter, etc. It’s pretty good. Check it out.

One of my favorite SnapShooter border aritsts, Antonino Mingoia, has launched his web site. He’s also added quite a few new SnapShooter borders, including one of the most gorgeous borders I’ve ever seen – Ozzpot’s Panorama.

As the title says, ATi now has a new application that lets you transcode video from one format to another at the GPU level. It only works with the X1000 line of their GPU’s, but is very fast from what this article says. How fast is it? Try a nearly 5 minute clip ripped from a DVD and transcoded into MPEG-4 format in about 24 seconds!

I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a few weeks, and finally got around to making it. It’s supposed to look like a postcard, featuring Ignignokt and Err from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

It’s 1680×1050, because I have a 20” Apple Cinema Display. Click the pic to download it.

[10 million more registered voters] could put additional strains on the voting process, already burdened with new rules and machines, lawsuits over registrations and voting procedures, and charges of voter intimidation and fraud.

Pardon me if I am mistaken, but shouldn’t our system be prepared for a voter turnout that exceeds 40%, simply logically?

I just discovered MarsEdit. I’m writing from it now as we speak. I LIKE IT. This’ll probably end up to more frequent blog posts by moí.

It’s made by Ranchero Software. Check it out.

I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t it Kerry who flip flops?” I’ll report, you decide.*

Well, not really.

Intel’s trying to get their chips up even faster, although the things are hot enough to burn through your floor as it is. And where the hell is the Pentium 5?

Current projection has Kerry up by 40 votes. And it’s apparently based on real polls.

Hah. Yeah right. But we can dream.

Cool Flash game over here. Played it for a good hour. I still have no idea whats going on.