This is big news, because WebOS is supposed to be their big SDK, and it’s all based on WebKit. This means their JavaScript engine will probably be JavaScriptCore (with the enhancements from the SquirrelFish project).

The interface looks to be pretty snappy, although there was a little lag when they were doing web browsing. Here’s hoping that gets ironed out before release.

I’m dying to see a video of this in motion. Their new developer platform appears to be very similar to Dashboard on the Mac; apps are written with CSS, HTML, XML, and presumably JavaScript.

A lot of people have been asking for this on #iphonedev, so here’s a snippet for making a thumbnail of a CGImage.

Long story short: two mutations allowed the virus to take hold in the upper respiratory tract, making it easy both to get infected and infect others.

Richard Esguerra from the EFF:

Apple’s announcement comes nearly a year after’s DRM-free MP3 deals went live, demonstrating that the record labels were holding the DRM card until they could wring business concessions from Apple (in the form of variable pricing). This just underscores that DRM is not really about stopping piracy, but rather about leverage over authorized distributors.

DRM-free music is certainly phenomenal news, but Apple has a long way to go before they can brag about being DRM-free entirely.

Three concerts from December 2008 made available via BitTorrent. This is “raw, unedited, un-color-corrected”, and isn’t really meant for general consumption; NIN is making this available for self-made video editors to play with.

Might go great with the new version of iMovie announced yesterday.

At least there’s a nice Google Maps mashup for determining where it is.

Apparently they left the admin site completely open to the world, and the URL was sniffed out by someone in the audience at Macworld.

The revolutionary new laptop from Apple with no keyboard; just a wheel. Hilarious.

A man and wife write a Whack-a-Mole game for the App Store. The game gets cracked and posted online for free. The couple seeks out the pirate and asks why.

So first, Gizmodo’s source, who has “repeatedly been 100% correct before”, says that Jobs’ health is “rapidly declining” to explain why Jobs would not be delivering the Macworld keynote. Then, today we hear about Jobs’ health straight from the horse’s mouth, saying that he’s fine, there’s no problem.

Gizmodo’s response? “But we were right on something…The reason why Steve Jobs is not doing the Macworld 2009 keynote is his health.” Despite nothing in Jobs’ letter saying why he wasn’t doing it, Gizmodo decides to just make up what they read, and insert the FUD that this decision was based on Jobs’ health.

Who said the inevitable Great Depression 2.0 is all bad?

I made the switch to this about a month ago, when BBEdit switched their font to Consolas Regular. It’s a very nice typeface at small sizes; I’ve been running it at 11pt, which is both compact and surprisingly readable.

Quite possibly the most epic news story you’ll read all day.

Google’s iPhone app has some hidden features. The coolest of all is the live waveform while speaking into the microphone, although the most useful is the ability to open links from within the app itself.

The UI they use to enable the more advanced features is pretty intuitive, too. Just keep scrolling up, and the “Bells and Whistles” row will eventually appear.

A Flash game where you must manipulate time a la Braid. This game incorporates the idea of a paradox.

People can be really irrational about bugs. And by irrational, I mean hilarious.

I totally agree with Chris on this one. We are only now getting to the point where users are being exposed to significantly more complex web applications. Atwood is arguing against innovation in that space; I say embrace it.

While the announcement of the game is itself awesome, this represents another major console publisher bringing a well-known brand to the iPhone.